Redfern Visions 26: East Redfern 4

Now we are back near Cleveland and Elizabeth Streets, going towards the Surry Hills Shopping Village (aka Redfern Mall) through the back streets.

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This is Morehead Street, which I first got to know way back in 1985 when two of my first gay friends from The Britannia Hotel lived there – Philip and Dean. They were much younger than I was – 21 and 19 respectively — but took me, a neophyte, under their wing, as it were. Later, in 1990, M and I were to take a room at Philip’s place in George St Redfern, our first joint address. Philip was a great friend, now living in Melbourne.

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Redfern Visions 24: East Redfern 2 – nature 2

I can’t help reflecting on how pleasant the inner city area now is compared with fifty years ago when I used to frequent it as a school boy. Then there was a constant pall of smoke and many indescribable smells, and Nature was pretty much excluded, except for the parks, such as Moore Park, and even they were scruffy compared to today.

Let’s look at the South Dowling Street edge of East Redfern to give a context for the three other pictures, all taken from much the same spot at the same time of day – morning.

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